Children With Special Needs

Role and responsibilities of shadow teacher in NCJPS

“If a child cannot learn in the way we teach … we must teach in a way the child can learn”: Ignacio Estrada

It is a known fact that every child has the ability to learn but learning becomes most effective and enjoyable when it occurs at the child's individual pace. We at N.C. Jindal Public School know that every child is special in her or his own way, and therefore we have established a Learning skills Centre at our school.
The Learning Skills Centre has trained and competent Special Educator who observes the, ‘at risk’, children and, interact with their teachers and parents.  After preliminary assessment the child is referred to the specialist for formal diagnosis.  Based on the diagnosis and report by the specialist, appropriate measures are adopted to integrate the ‘special education need children’ into the mainstream.

The Learning skills centre provides specialist teacher support to students with learning difficulties, like dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia or any other special learning need that interferes with their progress in the regular classroom. Short term support is provided to students who are identified by the class teacher till child is formally diagnosed. All identified students attend, regular mainstream classes and learning support is provided either through ‘in-class support’ or during Library, Art and third language periods. Special care is taken to ensure that students do not miss classes they really thrive in.

Learning support services are available throughout the school for every diagnosed child. We embrace N.C. Jindal’s guiding principle which values diversity. Learning support at N.C. Jindal Public school caters to students who are intellectually capable of meeting curriculum and assessment requirements. We provide moderate individual support, in-class modifications and accommodations as per CBSE guidelines.

Additional activities are offered to students (of pre-primary and primary) who are academically weak.

How do we do it?
In our inclusive set up, the Empowerment and Sensitization of teachers is achieved by having regular meetings, workshops, and discussions on strategies, their review, and close observation, and monitoring of students. ‘Differentiation’ or ‘differential learning’ is emphasized to promote greater inclusion. Simple actions like

  • • more visual stimulus
  • • repetitions
  • • sitting arrangements; like keeping anxious children in the proximity of teacher
  • • designing appropriate worksheets with varied font size and spacing
  • • using different materials, technology and prompting
  • • having a sensory ball in pocket or reading frame
  • • mixing ability levels to garner peer support
  • • movement breaks

are some of the small steps that make big difference in the life of students with special education needs at N.C. Jindal Public School.

Role of shadow teacher in NCJPS


A shadow teacher is only engaged by a family after approval from the school.
The main role is to enhance the learning of a specific students with an identified need(s).


Role of the Shadow Teacher

Shadow teacher will support student but also help/work with children on that table or group so student does not feel awkward and other students don’t notice this special attention towards him/her.

What they are not

A shadow teacher is not to do any photocopying or TA duties nor are they seen as cover in a teachers absence

Supervision of the student - no additional supervision duties to be assigned

The shadow teacher will take their break when the student is having their snack or lunch and will sit in the vicinity of student in the class. The shadow teacher should be in and around the play area.

Supervision if exempt from any curriculum session

The shadow teacher will be responsible for supporting the child if any area of the curriculum is deemed by the school and shown on an IEP or support plan as not beneficial to the child at any point in time. IEP will be prepared by the Shadow teacher with short term and long term goals which will be monitored by the School Special Educator.

Liaison with the therapists

The shadow teacher is responsible for regular liaison with the parents regarding the OT therapist and to inform the school of any new strategies etc to be used to support the student

Liaise with the family

The shadow teacher is responsible for daily/weekly liaison with the family.

IEP development and review meeting

The shadow teacher will prepare  the IEP along with Special Educator & Progress meetings for   the student

Homeroom/ Class Teacher
Student Support Services Principal

The shadow teacher is responsible for daily liaison with the homeroom teacher and Special Educator. The teacher will plan and   the differentiated activity will be facilitated by the shadow teacher

The shadow teacher is responsible for liaison with Learning Skill Centre  daily and when a key event happens

The shadow teacher is responsible for liaison with the Principal when a key event happens

Financing etc

The school does not provide one on one provision for any student.
The parents are responsible to hire and pay for the shadow teacher


The shadow teacher may avail of the regular bus routes if the child whom she/he is working with is availing school transport.

Professional Development

The shadow teacher may request reasonable leave for Professional Development directly related to their role - it should be given well in advance to the family and the Principal The child will not be attending school in her/his absence.

NCJPS policy and procedures

The shadow teacher will follow the policies and procedures of NCJPS


Follow the school policy. No sharing of any documents outside school.

Child safeguarding

Follow the school Child Protection policy. The shadow teacher will be required to provide the school with a police clearance certificate and sign the school declaration regarding child protection



Shadow Teacher

